Stay Focused…

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be greatZig Zaglar

This video is inspiring and motivating. I recommend that you all take the time to watch it! For what I liked about the video is that it shows by starting small and having a dream success can follow you, your dreams don’t just happen overnight, but it has to be developed and thus takes time, patience and persistence.

All these celebrities in the video started off small and grew into the inspirations they are today. Jim Carey wrote himself a cheque of 1 million dollars for acting services rendered and put it in his pocket and said one day he will get that money. Eventually the cheque started deteriorated as time went by and he just left it in his pocket. Years later he eventually got offered 1 million dollars for Dumb, dumb & dumber. This shows how important patience and staying focused on your dreams are, as things don’t just happen overnight, because you have to believe in the amidst of contradicting factors.

Tyler Perry goes further and says when a seed is planted in the ground all you can do is water it, you cannot control the sunshine, you cannot control the weather. All our dreams start of as just something on a piece of paper, which just shows you don’t have control over everything, but you only have control over your destiny. That little bit of control make it count to your advantage, so write down your destiny on that piece of paper have faith and never stop believing in it.

Most importantly never let people tell you that you can’t do something, and never ever quit! It’s important for you to do what you love and success will follow, as Steve Jobs says in the video “if you don’t love it, if you not having fun doing it, you don’t really love it, than you going to give up” and often the people who enjoy and follow their dreams are the ones who will succeed it might not happen immediately, but eventually you reap the fruits. So don’t do something you don’t like life is about taking risks and often those risks can either break or make you, but the important thing is that you took that risk and made it work for you.

Will Smith says “make a choice, just decide what you want to be, who you going to be, and how you going to do it” we often so skeptical and fall into a trap of doing something you don’t actually like, whereas if you keep on believing in that passion or goal that you WANT. Who knows where this road of discovering  will take you. You need to raise your standard of what you want, it’s important and a MUST for you to know that you will achieve that goal!

So don’t waste time work on what you want, do what you love and remember that we not on this earth forever, but while we are here live your dreams for the only person that’s stands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams is YOU!!

By: Alexandria Allan & Benjamin kaas